We Understand the High-Level Roles You Need and How to FiLL Them Quickly.

C-Suite Sales & Marketing Leadership
Our sales and marketing recruiting firm understands the importance of a thorough extensive process for finding and selecting the right CRO, CSO or CMO. The leader you choose will set the entire ethos and culture for the sales and marketing organization. Which means their strengths, as well as their shortcomings, will be amplified throughout the organization. It is extremely important to find the right person who has not only “been there, done that” but also someone who lives your values and has good character. In addition, you want to dig thoroughly into their model of the world and what they hold to be true as that will permeate the entire organization.

VP/Head/Director Sales & Marketing Leadership
Very similar to the CRO, CSO and CMO searches it is critical to have a very thorough and extensive search and interview process. This decision here will have long-term ramifications. The culture and tone of the sales and marketing organization will be set by this leader. Our expertise has shown these hires tend to be more tactical then the CRO or CMO hires, so digging into skillsets and pulling apart case studies is very important.

Sales & Marketing Individual Contributors
These are the backbone of your organization. The foundational level of your pyramid. These are the front-line that interact with clients and really set the experience with your brand. It is important to make sure each team member holds the company values and also it is critical to make sure their why’s, their drivers, their motivators are aligned with the role. The right people in the right seats is the goal here.

Sales Engineering Roles
Sales Engineer, Pre-Sales, Solutions Engineer, Technical Sales. The title is interchangeable but the mission is the same. Be the effective go-between for sales and development resources. It is critical to make sure what is being sold will fundamentally work for the customer. These are often some of the hardest roles to fill as you finding that rare breed of a technically-minded individual who also has the drive and ambition of a salesperson. We love finding the right match here.
We’re a Partner to Our Clients.
Our goal is to partner with our clients to identify and help them hire the highest quality sales and marketing talent available. As a recruiting firm, our search process helps us work with a sense of urgency and in a timely fashion, and then present only the candidates that are most qualified for the position, exhibit a great cultural fit, and are ready to produce measurable results for your company.